The Latest
Holidays Across Waukee High School
What holidays are celebrated across WHS?
First Round of the NFL Playoffs
The NFL playoffs will begin next week and the matchups are looking interesting.
The Ultimate Rivalry Game
The tongue-tied crowd watched as the wolves took the victory.
Pelé: The King of “Soccer”
Rest in peace, Pelé
Mental Health during the Holidays
How does mental health differ during the holidays?
The Pro Bowl Predicament
Are the upcoming Pro Bowl changes good?
College Football Playoffs
A recap of the semi-finals and what to expect during the championship
Is it time to fly?
Waukee high schools very own pilots
Warrior Energy
Custom drinks available weekly
Christmas Movie Reviews
Winter break is around the corner and students are getting in the Christmas spirit, If you are wondering what movies to binge on Christmas or even over break Here are some reviews of students’ favorite Christmas movies or their reviews and opinions on different movies to hopefully give you an…